כל מודעות האבל של תגית: מודעת השתתפות בצער

אוניברסיטת חיפה,
קרן הכט ומוזיאון הכט
אבלים על לכתו של

איתן ורטהימר ז״ל

ידיד האוניברסיטה והמוזיאון,
איש העסקים, היזם והפילנתרופ.
אנו משתתפים בצער המשפחה,
מי ייתן ולא תדעו עוד צער


Ohr Torah Stone mourns the passing of

Julia Koschitzky z"l

Julia exuded a deep love of Judaism and a commitment to
helping fellow Jews and making a difference in society.
She was a dedicated leader of many organizations working
to improve Jewish education, the social welfare of people
in need and the relationship between Diaspora Jewry and Israel.
She touched countless lives across the world
through her
tremendous caring and generosity.
Ohr Torah Stone has been fortunate to count Julia and her family
among our very generous supporters for many years.
May her memory continue to inspire us.
Julia is survived by her husband, Mr. Henry Koschitzky,
and her children, Jono and Tamar Koschitzky, Leelah and J
oseph Gitler, Sarena and David Koschitzky,
Hartley and Faye Koschitzky.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander,
President and Rosh HaYeshiva
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin,
Founder and Rosh HaYeshiva
Zey Weiss Chair, Israeli Board of Directors
David Katz International Director


NISHMAT and Yoatzot Halacha
mourn the passing of


An inimitable leader of the Toronto Jewish community whose worldwide efforts made
invaluable contributions to building global Zionism and the State of Israel.
Her family are among the most committed supporters of Yoatzot Halacha,
and have enabled Nishmat's Golda Koschitzky Center and Golda Koschitzky
Women's Halachic Hotline
to touch tens of thousands of lives.
Our hearts are with her beloved family
Mr. Henry Koschitzky and their children
Sarena and David Koschitzky, Toronto, Nishmat's International Board of Governors
Hartley and Faye Koschitzky, New York, Nishmat's Miriam Glaubach Center Advisory Committee
Jonathan and Dr. Tamar Koschitzky, Raanana, Nishmat's
International Board of Governors
Leelah and Joseph Gitler, Raanana

Rabbanit Chana Henkin, Founder and Dean
Rabbanit Noa Lau Associate Dean
Evi Tobolski Exec. Director
Stuart Hershkowitz Chair


World Bnei Akiva mourns the passing of
its dear friend and cherished supporter

Julia Koschitzky z"l

Words fail to fully capture the indelible impact Julia made
as a role model and an example for all of us in her community work,
chessed, humility and emunah. She will be sorely missed.
World Bnei Akiva would like to extend sincere condolences
to Julia's husband Henry, their children David & Sarena,
Hartley & Faye, Jono & Tamar, Leelah & Joseph,
her sister Janet Massuda and the entire family
on the loss of their beloved mother, sister and grandmother.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
On behalf of the World Council
and the World Bnei Akiva family
Y. Dov Meyer, Co-Chairman
Michael Silver, Co-Chairman
Ohad Tal, Mazkal


קבלו הצעה משתלמת לפרסום מודעת אבל בעיתון

אחנו משתפים פעולה עם מרבית העיתונים בישראל לפרסום מודעות אבל בעיתון.
בנוסף לפרסם באתר ניתן לפרסם דרכנו מודעות אבל בעיתונים היומיים בישראל:

ידיעות אחרונות / הארץ / מעריב / ישראל היום / גלובס / כלכליסט / דה מרקר / גרוזלם פוסט / הארלד טריביון

לקבלת הצעת מחיר משתלמת שלחו וואטסאפ או חייגו אלינו