Anna Maryles z"l
Wife of Jacob Maryles
Mother of Barbara (Ronan) Ashkanazy, Joel (Rachel) Maryles,
Sandy (Levi) Schultz, Ari (Esther) Maryles
Grandmother and Great Grandmother
Will be greatly missed
The funeral will take place in Eretz HaChaim Cemetery today, Wednesday evening
Joel and Sandy will be sitting Shiva in Hashmonaim at Joel's house: Rechov Atzmon 5.
Shacharit 7:30 am Mincha/ Maariv 19:10 pm
Family will be resting 1pm – 3 pm
For more information contact Rachel Maryles 054-591-2445
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May the famlly be comforted among the mourners of Zlon and Yerushalaylm